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ABCB Housing Provisions Standard 2022

Australian Building Codes Board

Version:  2022.  (Latest)
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Publication date
1 May 2023
Current status

The ABCB Housing Provisions contains Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions that are considered to be acceptable forms of construction that meet the requirements for complying with Parts H1 to H8 of NCC Volume Two (i.e. they comply with the Performance Requirements listed in Parts H1 to H8 of NCC Volume Two) .

There is no obligation to adopt any particular option contained in the ABCB Housing Provisions if it is preferred to meet the Performance Requirements some other way.

However, if one of the options described in the ABCB Housing Provisions or elsewhere in the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of NCC Volume Two is not complied with, then the appropriate authority must be satisfied that the Performance Requirements have been met.

This Housing Provisions must be applied in accordance with each of the following:

Section A (Governing Requirements) of NCC Volume Two.

Any conditions on the use of the ABCB Housing Provisions set out within the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of NCC Volume Two where it is referenced.

The Scope clause at the beginning of each Section of the ABCB Housing Provisions.

In Section H of NCC Volume Two, some Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions contain more than one compliance pathway. Usually, the first of these pathways will be by reference to a relevant Australian Standard (or similar) and the second will be by reference to a particular Section or Part of the ABCB Housing Provisions. In these cases, use of the ABCB Housing Provisions is one option for complying with the relevant Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision.

Other Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions contain only one compliance pathway: either a reference to an Australian Standard (or similar), or a reference to a particular Section or Part of the ABCB Housing Provisions. In these cases, the ABCB Housing Provisions may only be used if it is referenced, and must be used if it is the only compliance option for the particular Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision.

If a Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision does not reference the ABCB Housing Provisions, then the ABCB Housing Provisions cannot be used as a compliance pathway for that particular Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision.

The ABCB Housing Provisions only contains content relevant to the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions in NCC Volume Two which call it up. Therefore, the ABCB Housing Provisions should not be interpreted as a comprehensive or complete manual for house building.

Section 2 of the ABCB Housing Provisions contains a number of structural design manuals which can be used to design building elements using engineering principles. There is no obligation for the provisions of Section 2 to be used apart from situations where a particular building, building element or component is required to comply with NCC Volume Two and is not within the scope of any other Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions.

Section 11 contains additional construction requirements that are ancillary to the construction of a building or structure, such as the construction of swimming pools, heating appliances, fireplaces, methods of attaching decks and balconies to external walls or the like. Section 11 also contains special provisions for construction in alpine areas. Earthquake areas are addressed in Section 2 and flood hazard areas are addressed in the ABCB Standard for Construction of Buildings in Flood Hazard Areas, which is referenced directly by H1D10.

Situations where it is necessary for a mixed application of the ABCB Housing Provisions and other documents referenced in the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of NCC Volume Two may be identified by reference to the differing components of the Performance Requirements (see A2G3).

The options described in the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions are typical examples of national construction methods. They are not the only means available for complying with NCC Volume Two. The performance format of the NCC provides flexibility and allows the use of alternative construction methods to those described in the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions.

Maps have been used throughout NCC Volume Two, including in the ABCB Housing Provisions, to indicate areas where particular requirements apply. These maps are indicative and some variation in conditions will apply, especially on the border of marked areas.

It is recommended that the appropriate authority be consulted and in most cases they should be able to identify what conditions apply in such areas at the early stage of building design.

When building in certain locations there may be local conditions or other site constraints that may limit the type of construction that can be used. This is particularly important with buildings that are constructed in areas subject to increased structural loading conditions that may occur due to geographical, topographical or climatic conditions and soil types.

Appropriate authorities have a wide range of experience and information on the geographical and topographical conditions found in their area of responsibility, and should be consulted during the initial design stage.

Although they do not cover every aspect of housing construction, the ABCB Housing Provisions have nonetheless been organised in a manner that follows the logical construction sequence of a building.

PUBLISHED 1 May 2023.


The Housing Provisions Standard is a significant format change to the NCC. This new ABCB Standard is introduced to align the structure of the NCC Volumes. It represents the Acceptable Construction Practices’ (ACPs) content previously found in NCC 2019 Volume Two, Section 3. Like the ACPs, it’s referenced by the Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) Provisions in Volume Two.


1: Copyright And Licence Notice / How To Use The Housing Provisions
2: Structure
3: Site Preparation
4: Footings And Slabs
5: Masonry Veneer
6: Framing
7: Roof And Wall Cladding
8: Glazing
9: Fire Safety
10: Health And Amenity
11: Safe Movement And Access
12: Ancillary Provisions
13: Energy Efficiency
Schedule 1: Definitions
Schedule 2: Referenced Documents
Schedule 3: Commonwealth Of Australia
Schedule 4: Australian Capital Territory
Schedule 5: New South Wales
Schedule 6: Northern Territory
Schedule 7: Queensland
Schedule 8: South Australia
Schedule 9: Tasmania
Schedule 10: Victoria
Schedule 11: Western Australia

Commonwealth of Australia and the States and Territories
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence
ABCB Housing Provisions Standard 2022 cover