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A guide to Australian building product conformity 2018. cover

Australian Building Codes Board

Version:  2018.  (Current)
Short Description
A guide for those businesses and building professionals that must ensure the products and materials they procure and use in building and construction are ‘fit for purpose’ and conform and comply with Australian building laws and standards and any other local requirements.
Reducing exposure to metals in drinking water from plumbing products 2021 cover

Environmental Health Standing Committee (enHealth) of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee

Version:  2021.  (Current)
Short Description
The scope of this document is limited to consideration of the potential risk from consumption of drinking water that contains metals released (leached) from plumbing products in buildings or devices such as drinking water fountains.
The role of toxicity testing in identifying toxic substances 2012 cover

Environmental Health Standing Committee (enHealth) of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee

Version:  2012.  (Current)
Short Description
A framework for identification of suspected toxic compounds in water