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WHO guidelines for indoor air quality: dampness and mould cover 2009

World Health Organization

Version:  2009.  (Current)
Short Description
This document provides a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence on health problems associated with building moisture and biological agents.
Licence Application Form - Company (QLD) 2021 cover

Queensland Building And Construction Commission

Version:  2021.  (Current)
Supervising your apprentice or trainee: A guide for workplace supervisors 2021 cover

NSW Government

Version:  2021.  (Current)
Short Description
This guide is designed for new supervisors or supervisors looking to gain additional skills.
A guide to the building approvals process in Western Australia 2015 cover

Western Australia Government

Version:  2015.  (Current)
Short Description
The Building Commission has prepared this overview of the building approvals process to assist those in the building industry, home-owners, permit authority clients and staff, owner-builders and building industry students.
Guideline for plumbing and drainage: Installing Code Compliant Work and Performance Solutions 2017 cover

NSW Fair Trading

Version:  2017.  (Current)
Short Description
The responsible person for plumbing and drainage work must ensure the work complies with the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) and other prescribed codes and standards.
Management guideline for the phase-out of Refrigerant R22: Impacts and strategies for building owners and facility managers 2015 cover

Queensland Government

Version:  2015.  (Current)
Short Description
This guideline aims to provide advice to building owners and facility managers of the issues associated with the continued use of refrigerant R22 in air conditioning and refrigeration systems, and to encourage the development of strategies for the planned management, recovery, reclamation or safe destruction of this ozone depleting substance.
Toolbox Safety Talk: Slips, Trips And Falls 2020 cover

SafeWork SA

Version:  2020.  (Current)
Short Description
This training resource is designed to help you deliver short presentations covering a series of work health and safety topics.
Toolbox Talk: Using Ladders 2022 cover

SafeWork NSW

Version:  2022.  (Current)
Short Description
This toolbox talk can be delivered by construction supervisors, and provides basic safety tips for workers who use ladders.
toolbox talk using scaffolds 2022 cover

SafeWork NSW

Version:  2022.  (Current)
Short Description
This toolbox talk can be delivered by construction site supervisors, and provides basic safety tips for workers who work on large prefabricated modular scaffolds.
Safety signs in the workplace (SA) 2018 cover

SafeWork SA

Version:  2018.  (Current)
Short Description
Safety signs inform and warn you of hazards and risks in the workplace, tell you what to do in an emergency situation and show you how to protect yourself and work safely.