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AS 4466-1998 Hygienic production of rabbit meat for human consumption

Standards Australia

Version:  First Edition 1998.  (Current)
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This Standard applies to production and hygiene quality control of meat from Rabbits processed for human consumption at all registered establishments in Australia.

The overall goal of the standard is that there be no more than a 1-log (10-fold increase) in the count of total viable bacteria on the surface of the meat from the time of dressing until the product is packaged for sale or used as an ingredient for further processing.

Alternate techniques or procedures to those detailed in the standard may be used by operators providing compliance with the overall goal can be verified through the use of HACCP-based programs.

The Standard shall be applied at all Rabbit establishments, whether operating under a full-time meat inspection program (incorporating Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles), or a HACCP-based quality assurance arrangement approved and monitored by the controlling authority.

For the purpose of understanding how HACCP is implemented and audited in the Australian meat industry, ARMCANZ has produced an accompanying document, A guide to the Implementation and Auditing of HACCP.

Hygiene procedures in boning rooms and other further processing plants producing chilled or frozen fresh meat are covered in the Australian Standard for Production of meat for Human Consumption.

This Standard is not intended to be applicable to meat retail premises, however many of the principles are relevant to such premises.

For the purpose of this Standard the word "shall" has been used to clearly indicate that the requirements are mandatory. State and Territory authorities shall enforce compliance with the Standard.

This Standard is to be used in conjunction with the Australian Standards for Construction of Premises Processing Animals and Meat for Human Consumption and the Australian Standard for Transportation of Meat For Human Consumption.

In relation to further processed meat products, the Standard should be read in conjunction with the Australian standard for hygienic production of smallgoods and other manufactured meat.

Operations under this Standard implies compliance with relevant Model Codes of Practice for the Welfare of Animals.

First published as AS 4466-1998.



1: Scope
2: Quality Performance Standards
3: Definitions
4: Quality Assurance Programs
5: Operational Requirements - Construction
6: Hygiene Requirements
7: Operational Hygiene Requirements
8: Personal Hygiene Requirements
9: Clothing Requirements
10: Ante-Mortem Inspection
11: processing Procedures
12: Post-Mortem Inspection And Disposition
13: Chilling
14: References
Appendix A: Microbiological Standards
Appendix B: Physical Contamination Standards
Appendix C: Post-Mortem Observations And Disposition
Appendix D: Residue Standards


Meat for Human and Animal Consumption.

ACT Health; Australian Chicken Meat Federation and Australian Poultry Industries Association; Australian Meat Industry Council; Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, Commonwealth; Australian Renderers' Association; Department of Health, WA; Department of Primary Industries and Water Tasmania; Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines, NT; Food Standards Australia New Zealand; Meat and Livestock Australia; Meat Standards Committee; NSW Food Authority; Primary Industries Standing Committee; Primary Industries and Resources, SA; PrimseSafe; SafeFood Queensland; South Australian Meat Hygiene Advisory Council; The Australian Game Meat Producers Associations; WA Meat Industry Authority.

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Standards Australia 1998.
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