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Building Confidence: Improving the effectiveness of compliance and enforcement systems for the building and construction industry across Australia 2018. cover

Australian Government

Version:  2018.  (Current)
Short Description
Commissioned in 2017 by the Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF) to assess the effectiveness of compliance and enforcement systems for the building and construction industry across Australia and to examine a range of issues outlined in comprehensive terms of reference for their work. in particular the report focusses in a succinct way on shortcomings in the implementation of the National Construction Code (NCC).
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011

Australian Government

Version:  No. 262, 2011  (Current)
Short Description
This is a compilation of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 December 2019 (the compilation date). (FEDERAL legislation.)
Code for the Tendering and Performance of Building Work 2016

Australian Government

Version:  Compilation No. 3  (Current)
Short Description
This is a comilation of the Code for the Tendering and Performance of Building Work 2016 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 21 March 2019 (the compilation date). (FEDERAL legislation.)
Migration of monitored fire alarm and lift phone services good practice guide 2021 cover

Australian Government

Version:  2021.  (Current)
Short Description
Designed to facilitate the migration of monitored fire alarm and lift phone services as smoothly and successfully as possible, and to support service continuity for the community.
Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Act 2016 cover 2021

Australian Government

Version:  2021.  (Current)
Short Description
This is a compilation of the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Act 2016 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 September 2021 (the compilation date); the notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law. (FEDERAL legislation.)
Disability Services Act 1986

Australian Government

Version:  2022.  (Current)
Short Description
Compilation of the Disability Services Act 1986 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 27 November 2020 (the compilation date). (FEDERAL legislation.)
Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Australian Government

Version:  No. 135, 1992  (Current)
Short Description
Compilation of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 12 April 2018 (the compilation date). (FEDERAL legislation.)